(317) 736-0750 itssinc@comcast.net

Our Services

We consistently provide quality reporting with quick turnaround times.

Title Search

(30 year or plat forward on platted parcels / 50 year on metes and bounds uplatted parcels) This search provides a full review of all recorded documents affecting a specific parcel of property including liens, easements, surveys, sell offs, history of the chain of title, legal drawing, tax information and any civil judgments in the county of location for the current owners of the property for the past ten years.

Two Owner Search

(Search is from two warranty deeds prior to current date) This search provides a full review of all recorded documents affecting a specific parcel of property including liens, easements, sell offs, legal drawing, tax information and any civil judgments in the county of location for the current owners of the property for the past ten years.

PMM Searches

(Purchase Money Forward, also referred to as Current Owner Search) This search provides all lien information from the most current warranty deed and purchase money mortgage forward, including any civil judgments in the county of location for the current owners of the property for the past ten years and current taxing information.

Recording Services

Recording services are availalbe in the following Indiana counties: Brown, Decatur, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Montgomery, Morgan and Shelby

Judgment and Lien Search

This search provides a ten year civil judgment search on a specific person or entity in the county requested, included are federal tax liens, state tax liens and any civil judgments pending or closed.


(Also known as a Bringdown or Date Forward) An update will “bring current” the effective date of a search that is less than twelve months old referencing the original commitment number of the original search.